Short Game
Challenges the skills required on an actual golf course when within 25 yards of the hole –
- CHIP-10 Normally sits 15 - 25yds away, 10ft diameter, frame height of 2.5ft
- KNOCK down <25yds, 8ft wide, adjustable height
- BUMP ‘nrun <25yds, 3ft wide, 5ft long, <3ft high
- MICRO chip <15yds, 2ft square, 1 ½ft high
- PUTT 24 Replaces a golf hole flag stick on the putting or practice green
All SHORT game SMART targets can be set up by one person within five minutes. They can be used indoors with 2 inch tennis balls instead of golf balls
Using SHORT game SMART targets
SHORT game SMART targets are often used for family events, skills challenges, schools and camps etc. And for glow golf and parties after dark for adults. The small size, shorter distances and quick setup make them ideal for any location, even the garden. Increasingly used at tournaments before the round when players can earn mulligans etc for winning skills challenges during the warm up on the range.
GLOW GOLF - 4 Teams, 4 SMART targets, 4+ hitting locations, 50 shots / team / location HIGH-SCORE WINS!
Everyone is engaged as they track their and each others shots through the night sky. Here your whole team cheers when the SMART targets light up . Teams play each location and move each round. Form your own team or join one of the teams on the night. Along the way, have a few drinks and appetizers and enjoy the music and fun.
….. that’s a STAR Golf Short Game Glow Ball Special
CHIP-10 for precise wedge shots and flop / lob shots when combined with the KNOCK down SMART target
- 8 separate 4ft sides, ¾” steel tube frame, 10 2 ½ft detachable legs for easy storage.
- The CHIP-10 is very versatility and can also be used behind the KNOCKdown SMART target for flop shot challenges which are fun at tournaments, camp and home.
- 1 Piece, foldable, pvc mesh landing surface with removable struts and back rim supports to ensure a sleek geometric look and portability.
- Battery powered, daylight visible lights which attach directly to front of frame and light up when the golf ball successfully lands inside.
- Battery powered lights inside the landing surface to illuminate the SMART target itself AFTER dark – perfect for evenings and tournaments.
- Ships complete with STAR golf’s HIT target System, AFTER dark light Package, battery, charger, storage bags and manual.
KNOCK down to challenge low shots and flop / lob shots (can be combined with the CHIP-10)
- ¾” Steel tube frame 8ft wide and adjustable in height (6ft - 10ft+).
- 1 Piece pvc mesh surface with fittings for sponsor banners / branding.
- Daylight visible lights which attach directly to top of frame and light up when the golf ball lands in the red part of the SMART target.
- For AFTER dark illumination of the SMART target surface itself, as shown above right, see our PARTY kit lighting package.
- Ships complete with STAR golf’s HIT target System, Light Package, battery, charger, storage bags and manual.
BUMP ‘nrun essential skills when just off the green (combine with MICRO chip for cornhole reimagined as above)
- ¾” Steel tube frame 3ft wide, 3ft high at back and 5ft long.
- 1 Piece pvc mesh surface with attachments for sponsor banners / branding.
- Daylight visible lights which attach directly to front of frame and light up when the golf lands in the SMART target.
- For AFTER dark illumination of the SMART target surface itself, as shown above right, see our PARTY kit lighting package.
- Ships complete with STAR golf’s HIT target System, Light Package, battery, charger, storage bags and manual.
MICRO chip can taken to the beach or park or combined with BUMP ‘nrun for cornhole reimagined (above center)
- Smallest SMART target (also used indoors with 2” tennis balls).
- ¾” Steel tube frame 2ft wide, 2ft long.
- 1 Piece pvc mesh surface with attachments for sponsor banners / branding.
- Daylight visible lights which attach directly to frame and light up when the golf lands in the SMART target.
- Lights inside the landing surface which illuminate the SMART target AFTER dark.
- Ships complete with STAR golf’s HIT target System, Light Package, battery, charger, storage bags and manual.
PUTT - 24
- 3ft flagstick which illuminates the area around the hole and lights up on a successful putt.
- Comes complete with a hole enlarger which may be fixed to the ground with 2 tees if required, such as for less experienced players.
- Ships complete with STAR golf’s HIT target System, Light Package, battery, charger, storage bags and manual.